1 min
Considered a remake of Lumière's La Voltige from 1895.
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Water toboggan (Montagnes russes sur l'eau)
Early water rollercoaster-type ride.
Horses Bathing
Mexican vaqueros (cattle herders) in Guadalajara guide their horses through water.
Escrime au sabre
Sailors training with swords.
Three men are chopping and transporting firewood, among passers-by, on a square in Lausanne.
Budapest, pont suspendu
A Lumière Brothers film showing a street scene in Budapest.
Carmaux, chargement du coke
Women hauling coke in wheelbarrows.
Concours de bébés
A crowd of young children dance around.
Cuirassiers à cheval
Cuirassiers charge the camera on horseback.
The Little Girl and Her Cat
A little girl sits at a table, holding a container of what appears to be some sort of food. Suddenly there's a flash of movement: a tortoiseshell cat, with long hair and a very furry tail, has leapt onto the table.
Trick Bears
Circus bears showing their tricks.
Fun in Camp
“Showing a group of soldiers and Red Cross nurses being amused by a number of small children who are riding upon the backs of trick bears. A remarkably fine picture, with U.S. Infantry camp in the background.” (Edison film catalog)
Arabian Gun Twirler
"An interesting exhibit by Hadji Cheriff, of the original Midway Plaisance. Twirls his rifle over his shoulder, behind back, under leg, both hands and one hand."
New Brooklyn to New York via Brooklyn Bridge, No. 2
“This is a new negative showing the entire trip from Brooklyn to New York, in which the immense towers stand out clear and distinct against the sky. Positively the best picture of the Brooklyn Bridge yet secured.” (Edison film catalog)
In the Grip of the Blizzard
"This is a very remarkable picture, showing Union Square, New York City, during the great March blizzard of 1899. The camera was stationed at the corner of Broadway and Fourteenth Street, and was swept in almost a complete circle, showing the tremendous drifts of snow and the blockade at 'Dead Man's Curve' in Fourteenth Street. This picture was taken during the busiest time of the day, and shows to what extent New York City was tied up by this tremendous fall of snow." (AMB Picture Catalogue (1902)
Admiral Dewey Taking Leave of Washington Committee on the U.S. Cruiser 'Olympia'
"Showing the gallant Admiral standing directly in front of the camera, life size, his head bare, graciously bidding his guests adieu. This was exhibited at the Eden Musee and Koster and Bial's, New York, to 18,000 people the next day after the picture was taken."
Admiral Dewey Landing at Gibraltar
George Dewey was an admiral in the U.S. Navy who is best remembered for his victory at Manila Bay during the Spanish-American War, which he won without the death of a single person in the battle. Needless to say since he was a big hero in this country Edison decided to film him at various stages and release them to make some money.
Panorama from the Tower of the Brooklyn Bridge
Filmed from the Brooklyn tower of the bridge, this is a panorama starting at Manhattan's Battery and then panning northward along the East River shoreline. Reportedly filmed somewhere between 1897 - 1899, though not copyrighted until 1903.
Lower Falls, Grand Canyon, Yellowstone Park
Probably part of the "Alaska and Yellowstone National Park Series" in the "Northern Pacific Railway Series"
Pilot Boats in New York Harbor
A close view of an eighty-footer, schooner rigged, trim as a private yacht, skimming over the waters of the harbor, near Robins' Reef, which picturesque light house is seen in the near background. A steamer decked with bunting also passed by at close range.